In the light of a growing wave of violent crime fuelled by gang wars, Sweden is becoming increasing unsafe. Michael Sender comments on the recent […]
Author: News
TV4 // Regimkritisk journalist sägs benådas: ”Förmodligen var det uppgjort på förhand”
Michael Sender kommenterar på benådandet av den belarusiske regimkritikern och Nexta-redaktören Roman Protasevitj. Se nyhetsklippet >>
TV4 // Michael Sender om spekulationerna kring Lukasjenkos hälsa
Michael Sender svarar på frågor kring spekulationerna om Lukasjenkos hälsa och vad som skulle hända Belarus om dess diktator inte längre kunde regera. Se hela […]
Why I decided to make Aliens About Humans a real book
Well, here we are at last. What once started as joke or, rather, a satirical vent for airing my accumulated disappointment with mankind, very soon […]
SVT // Utrikesbyrån
The 7th episode of the iconic Swedish TV show on foreign politics, featuring Michael Sender, Elin Jönsson, Stefan Eriksson. Hosted by Rebecca Randhawa. Watch episode […]
Why your to-do lists don’t work
If you’re a somewhat organised person, you have probably had more than one to-do list. How many of them have you abandoned, forgotten or simply […]
The Perfectionist’s 5 Most Dangerous Traps When Working From Home
Your home is a trap. There’s always something there to get you distracted. But if you also happen to be a perfectionist, then working from […]
3 Habits That Make Saying “No” Easy
“Sorry, I don’t have time for this.” should be enough, but still you hesitate. If you are one of these delightfully considerate people who struggle […]
The Perfectionist Trap: How to Know What’s Good Enough
How perfectionists differ from other people can be illustrated by the law of diminishing returns. The model also provides some guidance on how to find the sweet “good enough” spot and avoid overwhelm.
TV4 // Belarus stoppar svenskt bistånd
Tros vara kopplat till EU:s sanktioner mot Lukasjenkos regim Belarus har meddelat att man vill att Sida avbryter sina biståndsinsatser i landet. Biståndet uppges uppgå […]